By: Ashley Luckee Lead Copywriter at Total Life Changes

Total Life Changes (TLC) always looks to bring more to its surrounding community. Director of Public Relations, Craig Cole, collaborated with Macomb County Chamber and Purpose Point to bring a fun and engaging golf outing to encourage networking and community outreach. Craig describes the unique opportunity:

“This was the first time that Purpose Point combined with the Macomb County Chamber, and it was a different experience. Across the 18 holes that we played, they would have stationed different leadership experiences that would give you a purposeful pep talk and give you an insight into your purpose as a leader.”

The sponsorship goal was to help out the surrounding county by providing funding and support, allowing future initiatives to come to fruition. By combining with Purpose Point, they can offer more to leaders and drive them to success. Craig relays their mission:

“They are a purpose-driven company that is here to inspire other like-minded businesses to live, lead and guide with a purpose. Their mission statement says it all ‘To transform the world by helping individuals and organizations to fulfill their purpose.’ They have a ton of inspirational speakers and thought leaders; they are a proactive company that is leading by example.”

The local communities will benefit from this event and events in the future. Craig explains this multi-level impact:

“When the county can raise funds to continue initiatives and keep employees, they are involved in so much. They will provide leadership courses or provide benefits for small businesses; they help with advertising. There are so many benefits to helping the chamber out, and we know there’s a huge purpose for it for the businesses within Macomb County.”

Total Life Changes plans to continue reaching out to the community in every way it can. Craig addresses their approach:

“We’re going to keep right on with our philanthropic outreach. We will support all of our local communities the best that we can, whether it’s volunteering, helping with sponsorships, and just doing our part and showing that Total Life Changes is so much more than just a company that sells health and wellness products. We are a company that embraces our communities and is a part of them.”

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