By: Ashley Luckee Lead Copywriter at Total Life Changes

Total Life Changes (TLC) always brings a unique energy to their events. And private events hosted by members of their community are no exception. TLC was invited down to Miami for an event,

“More Life Miami” hosted by Global Director Feliz Nichols. CCO Scott Bania explains the goal of the event:

“This opportunity, these products and this lifestyle offers them more to their life. The goal of the event was to introduce new guests to Total Life Changes as a company. We introduce them to our products, which allows them to become Independent Business owners, also known as Life Changers, live a healthier lifestyle, and earn a part-time or supplemental income.”

Scott’s favorite part of the event was Aramis’ product testimony and Phillip Birchfield’s anniversary celebration:

“Aramis talked about the products and her testimony. She was very candid and enthusiastic about her transformation. And, of course, we celebrated Ambassador Phillip Birchfield’s seventh anniversary in Total Life Changes. We surprised him with an award and a recap video.”

Scott says that this event ties into TLC’s mission by exposing customers and Life Changers to the company as a whole:
“By way of trying to expose everyone possible to our products and our community, our lifestyle and ultimately if they are looking for an opportunity. We are trying to attract as many individuals as possible into our community and have them enjoying their results from our products.”

The main takeaway of this event was that meeting in person benefits the Life Changers emotionally. Miami is also close to Orlando, which has a large population, and TLC aims to expand their markets as much as possible in that area.

Scott describes the connection of this event to the central tour theme, Mind Body Spirit:
“I believe all of our TLC events tie into Mind Body and Spirit as we welcomed guests into the room, as Rosa and I spoke with many of the individuals that we have not seen in some time. When people use our products, it’s not just their body that’s being transformed; they are impacted mentally and spiritually, they are feeling better about themselves, they have more confidence.”

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