Total Life Changes a 3x Recipient of The Best Places to Work 2022 Award by Direct Selling News

TLC Quote

There is something special to be said about a company that talks the talk and walks the walk. That is true of Total Life Changes (TLC), a three-time recipient of the Best Places to Work Award named by the Direct Selling News. TLC’s employees have weighed in for the past several years and the results remain the same; this family-friendly company remains true to its seven core values. It is implemented on a daily basis by many, but none more boldly than Chief Operations Officer, John Licari. Every day John makes his way around to every department at TLC headquarters. His messages serve as a daily dose of personal and professional development, challenging the workforce to consider what they want for themselves and how they may be able to achieve those goals through TLC and beyond.


The seven core values have replaced the company’s mission statement. They are celebrated and honored every day and believed to play an important role in being selected as a three-time recipient of the Best Places to Work Award. The direct selling channel is a very unique global industry made up of thousands of companies and millions of network marketers that act as independent business owners promoting hundreds of products and a combination of services. This network of business owners requires a very unique and diverse support system; from senior executive leadership to customer service, fulfullment, IT, and global logistics. 

TLC best place to work

The Direct Selling News (DSN) has been the channel’s trusted source for journalism since 2004. Each year thousands of companies vie for the highly anticipated award of being named Best Places to Work. The DSN has partnered with Quantum Workplace, a human resources technology provider, responsible for pioneering some of the earliest employee engagement and performance software. Each year the DSN invites all direct selling companies to participate in an anonymous survey powered by Quantum Workplace. Each company must have 85% of its employees complete the survey in order to be eligible for the prestigious award.

TLC Prestige board

Total Life Changes is always seeking employees that have a passion for serving and helping others. If one or more of the core values resonate with you perhaps you too would enjoy changing lives all over the world. TLC looks forward to qualifying for the Best Places to Work Award in 2023. It is an honor to be recognized alongside many of the industry’s leaders in employee development. 



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