It’s possible that, among the most frequently researched questions on the internet, how to feel better and manage symptoms during times of stressful hormonal imbalance like PMS and menopause is in the top echelon of repeated searches. The difficulties that persist around these challenges is undeniable. General pain, high stress, and anxiety, intense physical responses, from cramping to hot flashes, and, as a result of all this, sometimes depression.

According to folklore, geranium oil, or Pelargonium graveolens, has long been used for an array of healthy living and wellness options. Recent research has shown sweetly floral, fresh 100% pure geranium essential oil’s antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic qualities, when used topically, can help reduce the appearance of acne, blemishes, skin irritation, and other skin infections.**

One of the unique aspects of geranium found in scientific studies is its support of hormone balance. One recent study included 115 female students with diagnosed PMS, in which the women were randomly divided into three groups – a control group, an “aromatherapy” group that used 2% geranium EO in massage oil, and a group that used plain massage oil – through an eight-week event.***

The study concluded that aromatherapy massage decreased the physical and mental symptoms of PMS, as did the massage therapy with plain massage oil, but the aromatherapy group experienced more relief of symptoms “by increasing cerebral blood flow, improving depression and restoring metabolic balance. As PMS creates many limitations for women during the reproductive years, geranium aromatherapy massage is recommended for improving PMS symptoms as a complementary, low-cost, and non-invasive treatment.”

Geranium is also highly regarded as supportive during menopause and management of hormonal changes and general stress. Many scientists find plant-based phytoestrogens are reliable complementary methods in feeling an improved sense of balance in hormones and relieving symptoms – mood changes, hot flashes – during menopause.****

Furthermore, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the oil promotes reduced feelings of anxiety when diffused – so much so that it is recommended as a noninvasive means of achieving a sense of calm during highly stressful times.

While more research in humans must be done, it is pretty exciting to note so much scientific gathering of promising information about this wonderfully flowery, sweet scent in helping diminish feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression, while also promoting the blissful balance of mind, body, & spirit.

TLEO Geranium pairs well with TLEO Lavender, which has also been studied at length as a complementary method of support during PMS, menopause, and hormonal imbalance.


*These recommendations are for educational purposes only. Test first for possible sensitivity. If pregnant or breast-feeding, or taking medications, ask a health professional before use, and consult your doctor about contraindications. Keep out of reach of children. This product line is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or mitigate any disease.

**Source: Ané Orchard and Sandy van Vuuren. National Institutes of Health. “Commercial Essential Oils as Potential Antimicrobials to Treat Skin Diseases.” Pub date: May 4, 2017. May 13, 2021.

***Source: Seyede Maryam Lotfipur-Rafsanjani, Ali Ravari, Zohreh Ghorashi, Saiedeh Haji-Maghsoudi, Jafar Akbarinasab, and Reza Bekhradi. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. “Effects of Geranium Aromatherapy Massage on Premenstrual Syndrome: A Clinical Trial” Pub date: 9.2018. Nov. 5, 2018.

****Jiae Choi, MBA, Hye Won Lee, PhD, Ju Ah Lee, KMD, PhD, Hyun-Ja Lim, RN, PhD,, and Myeong Soo Lee, PhD. Medicine (Baltimore). “Aromatherapy for managing menopausal symptoms.” Pub date: 2018 Feb.; Feb. 9, 2018.

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