“We love each other period.”


The month of April is in full swing, and this weekend is Easter Sunday! I wish you and your family a great holiday weekend and pray for continued blessings for all of you.

This week, I am writing about love, and it made me remember what Easter is really about. Easter, my friends, is about the crazy love our creator has for us, all of us. I am sure you have probably seen someone hold up a sign at a sporting event or somewhere with the message “John 3:16.”

This, of course, is a Bible verse. Have you ever looked it up? If not, here is what it says: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son.” This is actually what Easter is all about! It is all about love, a love that is so deep that God Himself would be willing to sacrifice His son.

I think many of us know that and have thought about it before, but I think it’s a great thing to reflect upon as we gather to celebrate this weekend. There is one part of that verse, though, that we might not notice if we don’t read it slowly. Here it is again:

“For God so loved the WORLD that he gave his only begotten Son.”

Did you catch it? God loved the WORLD! God loved the WORLD! It doesn’t say God loved the Christians or the Jews or the Muslims. It doesn’t say God so loved the men or the women or any specific race either. And it also doesn’t say God so loved the holy or good people. It says God loved the WORLD!

He loved everyone in the world so much and still does. The Easter holiday is the ultimate example of “we love each other period.” What an amazing example of love this shows us.
This single historical act over 2,000 years ago managed to unify so many of us, and we must aspire to keep that going!

Love is such a powerful thing, and so is unity. They actually feed off of each other. Here are some examples of unity that turns into love.

In the military, they need each other in order to survive, and once they realize that, they love each other period. Members of a sports team realize they need each other in order to win the championship, so they love each other period. Company employees all realize they need each other in order to keep their families blessed, so they love each other period, too.

In these examples, we realize we need each other to survive, win, or thrive, and we suddenly don’t see all the things that usually divide us. We do not see color, age, gender, political preference, or religion. We only see others as people who want what we want, and it ultimately leads to love, at least temporarily.

Well, I am here to remind you in this Easter season that we need each other badly, not just in this company or in our community or nation but in the WORLD!

We need each other, and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we will start to love each other again, period. Thank you God for teaching us this, and thank you for giving us your only Son. We are grateful.

May God continue to bless you all, and thank you for reading this week’s message and any of my messages in the past. I am grateful!

Love you! Happy Easter!


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