“Passion is our fuel.”


History was made here at TLC on Saturday, November 12, 2022. Of course, I have to write about it! A few evenings ago, I had the honor of opening an envelope on a beautiful stage, reading the card, and saying out loud, “Ladies and gentlemen, your $25,000 dollar winner is Maria DiGrazia!” Within seconds, there was confetti, fireworks, and a whole lot of emotion! It was a moment I will never forget.


What I am describing above is The 15 Day 25K Contest Gala finale. It was the end of a 16-week contest that was launched back on July 11, 2022. For 12 weeks, we picked three Weekly Winners for a total of 36, then chose our Top 10, then Top 3. We shared those three stories one more time last Saturday and crowned our winner. It was an absolutely beautiful evening.


The contest started with a very passionate idea back in April. It launched in July with so much passion, and everyone involved showed so much passion until the end. I can’t lie; I personally was very passionate about this project, but so many others developed a passion for it along the way.


Our corporate staff, our Life Changers, our contestants, and even friends and family were excited about this contest. Of course, the prize money and the stories created were exciting, but as I look back, it really reminds me how powerful passion is.


This project launched from a passionate idea with a passionate group of people. That passion attracted people to enter who eventually developed a passion for all of this as well, and things just took off! Tens of thousands of entries were submitted, and thousands of votes were cast, all very passionately, I might add. This led to the most beautiful event I have ever attended, and I have been to quite a few.  The passion of that night was unforgettable.


The work that went into setup, planning, and executing everything was just so awesome to watch and be a part of. I could list 100 names of people to thank and recognize, but I would surely miss one. But the passion did NOT stop there. Our staff arrived back in Detroit and immediately started discussing the next event, sharing ideas about how to make it better.


The world seems to have developed the post-event passion bug as well, since it appears that so many are entering the next contest this week! I may not be telling some of you anything that you don’t already know, but for the rest of you, please understand the power of passion!


If you are passionate about something, you WILL get people to watch, listen, and attend. This is true for anything in life. Relationships, business, your religion, your organization, or anything else. If you are passionate, you can expect to get some attention. I suggest that you figure out what you are passionate about and let the world know, so you can live your best life!


I am sure you agree that there is a good lesson about passion here, but there is a greater one that I have not mentioned yet. This contest has inspired thousands to be passionate about their health. This year, I personally learned how important that is, and it makes me happy. If we can extend the life of one mom or dad, one grandparent, one sibling, or any person, it is all worth it.


I want to thank everyone who supported this beautiful initiative with so much passion. You are appreciated more than you know, and you may have impacted someone you will never meet. You can smile knowing that you definitely made the world a better place.


For those of you who have not seen the final moments of the Gala finale, click here for a short video recap. I am sure you will be proud, and you will feel the passion! Once again, thank you to all who made this moment happen. Thank you for reading, and remember to let the world know what you’re passionate about. God bless you!



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