“Passion is our fuel.”

Passion! It can get people’s attention, and it can keep people going! I witnessed both this past weekend in Dallas, Texas. We hosted our 4th major event this year on our Mind Body and Spirit Tour for TLC. Sadly, it was our last event of the year, and it was hard to imagine in the closing moments Saturday that we would not host another significant event until 2022.

This year will leave us all with unforgettable memories because of our opportunity to host these events and spend time with our TLC family. It was something we took for granted in the past, and 2020 was a great wake-up call that reminded us that we take being able to see others for granted. Never again will I take for granted being able to spend time with others.

This past weekend was LONG! It was three full days of the event and three days in a row of little sleep. But even on the final day, it was hard to notice! The energy was still high from the corporate staff and all the people involved in event production and in attendance.

Passion will do that! All of us that had to present, train, interact, inspire, entertain, and do whatever else we needed to do were able to continue going all weekend without slowing down. It was impressive to see, and it made me want to work hard and smile as much as possible because everyone else was doing the same.

It was not just the TLC team that had an infectious passion all weekend, though; it was the attendees as well! They just kept going! We had late nights and long days, and they kept clapping, cheering, dancing, and whatever else they could do to celebrate others. It was inspiring, and as I reflected, I realized it is notable here! We are blessed that many people with a ton of passion can be together and change the world!

This is what I believe we are doing, and it’s not the products or even just the people but the passion driving it all. We have a passion for life, a passion for serving and a passion for building each other up. I can’t think of anywhere else I would rather be!

Thank you to the passionate executive team that keeps going! Scott Bania, Rosa Gonzalez, Evan Brengman, Natalie Paramo, Lucy Sandoval, Bolo Enriquez and Craig Cole. You guys rock!

Thanks to passionate leaders like Nick Navarro, Juan Haro, Amparo Pineda, LJ Biesiada, Heather Graham, and Sean Bagan, who had significant roles at the event and did a great job.

Passion was undeniable from our AV team: Sebastian Perez, Little Joe, Big John, Jimmy the 5th, Ali, Cameron, and Marky Mark! This team is crazy passionate!

To Kenny Bregman and Chris Miramonti, who showed lots of passion to drive 23 hours each way to make sure we had everything we needed and Oscar Lopez, who had enough passion to fly out last minute to help us, which was unplanned.

There were also many support staff that helped make the weekend great, and we thank you! Apparel made sure our event looked fantastic, and we had plenty of merchandise we thank you. Our TLC store staff was terrific as well, thank you.

Jimmy! How can we leave Jimmy Bruinsma out when talking about passion? We can’t! Thank you, Jimmy, for making sure everyone is okay ALL THE TIME.

There was passion in every person and not just at the event but even back home, where special people made sure they were on stand for anything we needed, like our excellent marketing department. Adriana and Gabby from our broadcasting team also played a significant off-site role. Thank you!

I have named almost everyone, and if I missed your name, it’s not on purpose, but I appreciate you. There is no way I can miss this last group! Our fantastic events team! Tricia Crawford, Madeline Soloman, Carrie Ann Piechocki, you guys redefined the word passion for me last weekend! I felt your passion for the event and the TLC mission, and we are all grateful for you making everything tremendous and making us all look great! Also, we enjoyed working with Martha Avila again, who helped Tricia and the team make sure everything was perfect. Thank you, Martha!

The only major guy I left out was Jack Fallon! He doesn’t need recognition for his role in the event at this point. Still, he deserves recognition for his vision and staying passionate for it because that’s why we all get to be part of this fantastic community 20 years later! Thank you, Jack!

Passion is the fuel we run on here at TLC. We have a passion for people and never run out of energy to serve them! I am honored to be part of this, and I hope you are too!

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

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