“Our standard is giving more than what is expected.”

Have you ever heard someone talk about a restaurant they had visited? What about a hotel they stayed at recently or maybe a party they attended?

Of course, you have heard about these things. We all share these things, but I want you to pay attention to one thing the next time you hear these stories.

LISTEN to what is being said, and I am sure you will find that many of those stories contain examples of a higher standard than was expected.

Most of us don’t talk about how average the food was at the restaurant we visited, because we usually share what we expected; we typically share what we did not expect. The service was terrific; the desserts were all free; everyone received a free bottle of hand sanitizer. We were eager to share this story with others because we did not expect it!

Our hotel visit is expected to be as good as the rating says. But when we experience something more, like a super comfortable bed, a handwritten note, or maybe a call a from the staff to check in with us, or perhaps a free upgrade, this is all something we do not expect. Still, because of this, we will certainly share this news with others.

We can’t wait to tell others how lovely the decorations were at a party we attended, or how great the live band was, or maybe even how they gave everyone a gift for attending with a thank-you card. We do this because we are so surprised, and we did not expect it.

Hopefully, you see a pattern here and realize two essential things that are consistent. When we get more than we expected, we remember this experience, and we also can’t wait to tell others.

This is why this core value is so significant:

When people join the TLC community, they expect the right product and an excellent opportunity to earn extra money, but what do we give them? They get a great product, generous compensation, a sampling app, a website, the ability to earn cash and prizes on our broadcasts, and being recognized for being themselves, and so much more. Most don’t expect these things when they join us, but because they experience it, they can’t wait to share it, and they won’t forget how these things made them feel.

When we hire a new TLC employee, they expect a paycheck, benefits, and maybe a Christmas party once a year. Still, I think we all know that they will receive much more than that, and that is usually something they remember and share with others because they didn’t expect it.

Everything is not always about business, though, and it shouldn’t always be about business.

What about you, personally? Are you giving others more than expected? Are you a good friend or one that goes above and beyond? Are you supportive when it’s convenient or always, no matter what? Do you bake a cake for your coworkers because there is a party at work that day, or do you do it just because? Are you visiting your parents or family and friends instead of calling them? Are you bringing gifts when you are invited to someone’s house?

These things are examples of you giving others more than what they expect, and these acts all help people remember you and share how great they think you are to others. We all have a short time on this earth, and one of the greatest honors you can have after death is the memory you leave behind, of having a higher standard than what’s expected. They will remember you forever, and they will share your legacy with many, even if that legacy was as simple as a great smile and a positive attitude. That is more than people expect nowadays, so you can start giving more today with those two examples alone, and best of all, it’s free!

Are you doing a little more, giving a little more, or loving a little more than expected, or are you just ‘blending in’ with the rest?

My standard is giving more than what is expected; what about you?

Thanks for reading, have a great week!

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