“We are always hungry for more.”

Happy December! We have made it to the last month of the year, and this year seems like it flew by. In just a few weeks, we will be ringing in the new year, and we will be proclaiming what we will accomplish throughout the new year.

As the year comes to an end, it is always a great time to reflect on what we have accomplished this year. Remember all the goals that you set in January? How did it go? If it went well, it’s always great to reflect on that and be proud of yourself. If you missed the mark on a few things, it’s always a great motivation to do better next time. Reflection can make us hungry for more and hungry for another chance!

We are just coming off our annual Black Friday weekend here at Total Life Changes, and I am proud to say it was a huge success. It has become a tradition here every year, and it keeps on getting better and better. Many people don’t know that it started to give back to all the people who have trusted and supported us throughout the years. We love our customers, and we want them to know it.

It’s always very rewarding for me, and every year when it’s over, I am always hungry to do it again next year. I also always feel very grateful to all the amazing men and women here at TLC that help make everything possible every year and every day. We are very blessed to have the very best, and I am proud to be among them.

This week I wanted to spotlight two amazing individuals who stepped up for four days to ensure everything went well. These two gentlemen are the perfect example of always being hungry for more. It was an honor to watch them work, stay positive, and stay hungry for the next task. Both didn’t sleep for two days, and they deserve to be recognized.

Christian Rodriguez and Evan Sinelli are the two individuals that I am writing about. Many played a very important role in making this year’s Black Friday weekend so successful, and we are very appreciative of them as well, but these two guys went above and beyond. I also wanted to shout out Amparo Pineda and Hector Munoz, who also played a huge supporting role; thank you!

They sacrificed their Thanksgiving holiday evening and came in to get ready for the sale. They diligently worked to make sure over 150 countries and more than 60 items would be prepared for the sale on Thanksgiving evening. They work through the early morning hours on Friday and all day the next day to make sure that everything keeps working properly. To add even more complexity to the project, we started doing flash sales at 8 AM on Friday and every two hours after that.

This, of course, added more complexity and work to an already huge project. Along the way, there never seemed to be anything that bothered them. They kept everything running smoothly, and they kept working away all night and day long. The most fascinating part was they kept asking if we wanted to do anything else and when Saturday and Sunday rolled around, and we had new ideas, they were very excited to help implement them. Of course, even Cyber Monday is a big deal here, and they helped make sure that was supported as well.

I have always been hungry for more. I have never felt comfortable resting for more than a little while, and I’m always looking for the next project. The core value we are always hungry for more is one that I live by already. What makes me even more hungry is being surrounded by people who are hungry as well. Christian and Evan, and all the other great people here at TLC make it fun to be hungry for more, and I am grateful for that.

So, I ask you again: Did you accomplish all your goals this year? No worries if the answer is no because you still have another month to accomplish them! If you did accomplish them, are you ready to set some new goals and achieve even more? Are you hungry for more, or are you satisfied? I feel that if you are surrounded by the same people you surround, I can’t wait to move on to the next project.

Here at TLC, we are always hungry for more, and because of that, we are constantly helping make the world a better place. I think once you realize what you are a part of here, you can’t help but be hungry for more. Thank you to all the men and women out there in the world who inspire us to be better daily. You may think nobody is watching, or nobody appreciates it, but I promise you they do.

Please have a fantastic week and thank you so much for reading. I am not sure if you are hungry for another message next week, but I am hungry to send one, so you’re going to get it anyway!

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