“We Love Each Other Period”

I am smiling ear to ear as I type this message tonight! I have been hosting a 5-day health challenge this week and tonight was awesome. We are helping so many take back control of their life and their health! I challenge you to do the same, please, because I love you, period!

This core value, “We love each other period,” is most associated with accepting everyone regardless of their gender, religion, age, race, etc. This is so true here at TLC; we do love everyone and accept everyone here. Tonight and this week, I was reminded that it’s not accepting others that show love. Another way to show love is to serve!

This week we have been serving tens of thousands of people around the world for free! We have been giving them access to great speakers, great information, a great online community, and sharing little things that can make a big difference. This week I was reminded that if you love others period, then you should serve others period.

The love that allows you to accept everyone should be the same love that helps you serve others regardless of who they are and where they are from. I have found that serving also allows me to love myself more, and I challenge you to try it!

I have reminded others daily for years that serving others is a great thing to do for others and a great thing to do for yourself. Serving and giving will undoubtedly lead to success and happiness in life; both God and the universe have a great accounting system, they will always pay you back.

So, I ask you to reflect on this! Do you love others, period? Do you also serve others period regardless of who they are? Love, my friends, is what will change the world, and love is not just accepting others. It’s also serving others.

A Martin Luther King Jr. quote that I like is, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’ ” When I feel down, I ask myself the question, and I find that the ideas I think of for serving others help me feel better, feel fulfilled, and have a great day! I ask you the same question today. What are you doing to serve others? I will add one word to that question, though:

What are you doing to serve others regardless of who they are? Are you willing to serve regardless of race, gender, age, religion, political association, etc.? If you can do that, you have love in your heart and if you have love in your heart, you can help us change the world.

I have said it many times and will repeat it right now! ONLY love can change the world. It won’t be a great idea, politician, or a cryptocurrency that will make the world a better place; it will just be love. It’s all we need, and it’s free! Loving others costs us no money but can earn us success beyond our wildest dreams and leave a world for our kids that is better than before.

I believe this is our responsibility, and all it takes is love! Join me daily on this mission to serve others, period! I promise you we can make a difference. We can take back control of everything with love!

I love each of you, and I thank you for reading this week and every week; and I hope you have a fantastic week!

Here at TLC, we love and serve others, period! If that sounds good to you, then you have found a place where you can soar like an eagle, and for that, you should be smiling!

It’s not too late to join the challenge!  Please do so at

www.myhealthmatterschallenge.com if your health matters to you because it sure does to me!

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