“Grateful is our MY mindset.”


I am excited because this week is event week here at TLC! For those of you who have been here for at least a year or two, you have hopefully experienced a TLC event. There is nothing quite like the feeling, and it’s hard to explain unless you have been there. For those of us who have attended before, we can’t imagine ever missing an event.

Event week is always exciting for us here in our building. It sort of feels like Christmas week when I was a kid. There was something in the air, and the entire week felt so exciting. I feel that right now, and I know many of you do as well.

The event this year is called “Reflect 2023,” and it is taking place right here in Detroit, Michigan, where TLC started 20 years ago. We have all been asked to Reflect on the last 20 years, or however long we have been a part of TLC, and I have been doing that often lately.  We are, of course, celebrating 20 years!

As I have reflected, the one thing that has kept coming to mind is how grateful I am for TLC and for all of you. The last 20 years have really blessed me. I have met some amazing people whom I consider family. I have also been able to work with some amazing people at HQ every day and around the world. These are people I would do anything for because they would do anything for me. It doesn’t even seem like a job here. It seems like an exciting journey.

I have also been emotional lately as I reflect on the way my life may have been without TLC. Before I found TLC, I was doing fine as far as I was concerned. I had what I thought was a good job, I was making enough money, and I had a great family and great friends. I had it all, or at least I thought I did.

I was always told by everyone in my life that I was so lucky and that so many people wished they had my life. These people and these words sort of convinced me that I was happy, so every day I just sort of was. Then, 20 years ago, I met TLC, and everything changed. Of course, I met Jack Fallon way before then, but I had not met TLC yet.

When I started my journey here, my life started to change. I realized that TLC made me happy. Helping others, seeing them succeed in their health and making some extra money, and being a part of that process brought joy to my life that I had never experienced before. I quickly became addicted to TLC and started to reflect on what life could be if TLC could be my only “work” task each day.

I started to challenge myself to become better so I could make this happen. I started doing things I never thought I would, and I started learning things I never thought I needed to. I started reading, I started speaking, I started training, I started traveling, etc., etc. I never imagined doing any of these things, nor did I ever desire them. TLC did this to me!

Ultimately TLC changed me, just like the company name implies: Total Life Changes. It didn’t just allow me to find a life passion and some really awesome people (you are one of those), it also helped me become a better person, husband, father, son, friend, co-worker, Christian, and almost anything else. I am definitely better because of TLC and because of all of you.

TLC and you all have touched me and blessed me beyond measure, and I am grateful. What we have all done over the last 20 years has been amazing, and it must continue. I am a great example of someone who would have been fine without TLC because I didn’t know what was possible in life until TLC showed up in mine.

I guess I was sort of like everyone else. I was doing what everyone else did, and I was reminded all the time how great it was. But in reality, I was just living a life of quiet desperation. I had dreams, and I always worked toward them, but as the years went by, those dreams still always seemed so far away.

I reflect on this last point and realize that so many still do not know what TLC is and what TLC can do for them. I know it and so do you, so we have no choice but to help others find us! I believe it is our duty! The world needs us, and I have decided that for the next 20 years, I will be working harder than I did the first 20 because I am so grateful. Being grateful, though, is not enough. I have to reciprocate, and I believe you do as well.

Let’s reflect on how we can do this and help attract more people here because everyone needs a little TLC! This whole reflection I have been intentionally doing lately has really reminded me about one other thing that I thought I should share, too.

……… I love you all! I love that you have accepted me, trusted me, supported me, and stuck up for me, even when I didn’t deserve it over the past 20 years. I will never forget what you all have done for me and my family, and I will never stop fighting for you and yours.

I hope you can join us this week at the event.  If not in person, maybe just virtually. Rest assured that if you do, you will feel it!

God bless you. Just know in your heart that I am grateful for you!


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