“Grateful is our mindset.”


I hope you’re all having a great week, and I trust that you all had a great Easter holiday! Now that Easter and the first quarter of 2023 are behind us, many of us have shifted our focus to our goals for the rest of the year.

I am definitely one of those people who has reminded myself this week of the goals that I have this year. Some of those goals are personal. I have goals for my health, my personal finance, my relationships, and becoming a better human being. I also have goals for TLC. I want to see TLC become stronger financially, of course, but I also want TLC to help people gain confidence, improve their health, make a positive impact on the world, empower individuals to make a change, and so much more.

I realize that if we focused on all of the things I listed above and stopped worrying about the financial part, then we would see the financial part take care of itself. I know this but wanted to make sure you did, too! Many of us focus on our financial goals first, and it doesn’t work. Instead, if we just focus on doing the good that we are supposed to do, the rest always takes care of itself! “Reminder to self for the rest of the year: Just focus on doing good in the world.

I also realize that all the accomplishments TLC has made in the past, all the accomplishments that are being made right now, and all that will be made in the future are because of each and every one of you! Today I want you to know that I am grateful for you!

This year, TLC celebrates its official 20-year anniversary, and as I look back on those 20 years, I am overcome with gratitude. We have had our share of ups and downs like everyone else, but even when it hasn’t been great, it’s been great, if you know what I mean! All of you have played such a huge role in it even though you may think it’s small.

There have been so many great moments, and WE have really created a positive impact in the world TOGETHER! Please know and remember this. WE have done great things and will do great things, but it has taken all of us and will take all of us to keep it going!

WE are in this together, and I am just here to remind you today that I am grateful for all of you and wouldn’t want to go on this journey with any other group of people. You all inspire me to be better every day and work harder, and for that I am grateful.

Today, someone in the world will wake up looking for hope. That person may be looking for hope for their health, their finances, their self-confidence, or maybe just hope for more purpose in life.  That person WILL find TLC today, or maybe TLC will find them. Either way, it will happen. It happens every day, and all of you are the reason.

Thank you for every little thing you do every day to bless the lives of others and for being a part of this great organization. I have always found joy in blessing others, and all of us as a team definitely do that. I am not sure if anyone has reminded you of that lately, so I thought I would be the first.

You are loved, you are noticed, you are appreciated, and you are part of this very special movement called TLC. I am grateful, and I pray that we continue to remain grateful for each other so we can continue to do God’s work here on Earth through TLC. I mean, doesn’t TLC also stand for THE LORDS COMPANY? LET’S GO!!!!!

Have a great week, and thank you for reading!


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