“Having fun we get more work done.”


Spring is in full swing in the Northern Hemisphere, and summer will be here before we know it. Although summer officially starts on June 21, it unofficially starts on Memorial Day weekend here in the USA. Many have the three-day weekend off from work and school, so it’s a perfect time for FUN!

Here in the USA, Memorial Day is when most people have their first barbecue party with family and/or friends. People gather and eat, enjoy outdoor games, and just spend time together. Of course, some also indulge in alcohol as well, but only if they are over 21! 🙂

This fun continues all summer long with graduation parties, weddings, the Fourth of July, and all types of parties. In early September, we celebrate Labor Day weekend, and we unofficially end the summer season. As many would say, the “fun” season is over. Many return to work and school, and it seems that the fun is over. It’s really not over (the fun), of course, but it sure does feel that way, especially for those of us who love summer, like me!

We all love having fun, and when I was growing up I remember the Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day weekends very vividly. We would either go to the beach or have big family parties. These were some of my best memories growing up. Here is why I have found this is so important.

I don’t remember what we did on May 17 when I was 9 years old. I don’t remember what we did on June 25 when I was 10, or August 15 when I was 12, but …

I remember all the holiday weekends. The reason why is because we had fun! You see, fun is something that is not only enjoyable at the moment but also an emotion that helps us remember times and places in our life. I even remember how the food smelled while it was being made and how it tasted in those moments, and it’s because we were having fun.

If you are like me, you find yourself forgetting things from time to time. We walk into a room and forget why we went there. We call someone and forget why we called them, or we set our keys down and forget where we put them.

When we are having fun though, it seems that our memory and our minds are sharper. That’s why having fun, especially while working, is so important! It helps keep our minds and our memory sharp. Not to mention, it’s also FUN!

So are you excited for summer? Are you looking forward to having some fun and creating some memories? I sure hope so because fun moments are needed in our lives, and we will remember the fun memories we create forever.

Let’s not wait until a special occasion or holiday comes to have fun, please. That’s what many of us do. We wait until the weekend or a holiday to have fun, so we sort of limit our fun on this earth. In addition to that, we don’t even remember those other days because we didn’t have any FUN! So let’s go have fun today and always so we can live a full life and remember it all!

Thank you for reading, and please have an amazing week! God bless you.


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