Great day to you! A reminder to please pray for Ukraine today and for world peace always!

“We are always hungry for more.”

We have just celebrated International Women’s day, and I wanted to thank all the women who continue to inspire us daily! Most of my heroes and inspirations are women, and rightfully so. Women are awesome, and they not only bring us into this world, but they help make sure we are constantly ready for it. Thank you to all the great women!

When someone is hungry, they haven’t satisfied their appetite. People have an appetite for so many different things. Some people have an appetite for food that never seems to be satisfied. Some people seem to have an appetite for money that never seems to be satisfied. And still more have an appetite for attention then never seems to be satisfied. This is not the type of appetite we are talking about with our core value; we are always hungry for more.

Our never-ending appetite is to constantly love people. We are always hungry to share more love. And it’s really no surprise that we are mostly women here in the TLC community. What a great thing it is because women do everything based on love. They are always hungry to love and nurture others. And they are always hungry to be loved as well. A great woman will sacrifice and suffer in the name of love, especially for their family and friends.

This is why women are so great in such an important part of our world. They set an example for us of love. The foundation of everything they do or don’t do is about love. We are being conditioned and reminded every day, and we don’t even know it. And I am just here to say that I’m grateful for it.

Thank you to the women of the world for always being hungry for more. You inspire us, you guide us, and you love us. Sometimes we let you down, but you’re always there for us. Today I ask you to join me in celebrating the women of the world. The ones that are always hungry for more and do whatever it takes every day to be great.

At Total Life Changes, we are always hungry for more, and if you’re a woman and you’re part of this community, you’re the major reason for it, and I want to say thank you. Keep being great, and just know in your heart many of us are grateful for you and pray every day that you can become everything you’re capable of becoming.

Shout out to all the women one more time because you guys are awesome. Thank you, everyone, for reading this week, and don’t forget to change your clocks this weekend as we spring forward.

God bless and have a great week.

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