“Grateful is our mindset.”

At TLC, gratitude is an attitude! If you work here long enough, you will find a positive reply to every statement most of the time.

If you tell someone, “it’s raining,” someone will probably answer, “at least it’s not snowing.”

Occasionally someone says, “I hate Mondays,” and someone will correct them and say, “no, we love Mondays at TLC because we get another week to help people.”

I might even slip us occasionally and say, “I thought our sales would be higher,” and Jack will quickly correct me and say, “I bet we made a ton of people smile today!”

If you are not ready for this constant gratefulness and positive attitude every day, it might be pretty annoying, but eventually, it becomes part of you too. TLC is infectious, and once it gets in you, the lens you see the world in starts to change, and life seems a little better than before. I wish that for everyone and hope you have the TLC fever!

Today I am very grateful for all of you, my family, friends, and my health. I am also very grateful to serve people every day. It is like oxygen for me. I need it to live. I am reminded of the story we have all heard of and one I have written about in the past.

It is the story of a young blind boy and how a simple change of words changes everything.

A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He had a sign which read: “I am blind. please help.” There were only a few coins in the hat after several hours.

Later that day, a man came walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. Then he took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words on the back. He put the sign where it was so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.

Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were going. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, “Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?”

The man said, “I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but differently. I wrote: ‘Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it.’”

This is a story I always reflect on because of how the words changed everything. When the people read the first sign, it made them feel bad for the boy but did not inspire many to donate. When the man changed the words, it made people realize that they should be GRATEFUL that they had eyesight and could see what a beautiful day it was. That made all the difference.

The story teaches how having a grateful mindset and attitude changes everything. It can keep us focused on the positive and give thanks for what we have instead of what we don’t have.

This year has been challenging for everyone. This year caught the world by surprise, created fear, economic hardships, stopped us from spending time with friends and family, and temporarily changed our lives, but it didn’t end our lives! We are still here, we still have hope for better days, and we still have each other. Remaining grateful for that is essential.

This week, please remind yourself to be grateful for all that we have. Many of us have a home, a car, and eat at least three meals a day. This is something 80% of the people on earth do not have. Please be grateful.

Remind yourself that some people may have more material things than you, but they may not have their health or a family they can depend on and spend time with.

Lastly, remind yourself and be grateful that you are part of TLC, a special place where we love each other PERIOD, which means you fit in and get celebrated here no matter who you are, where you are from, how long you have been here or what language you speak. We are grateful for you, and hopefully, you are grateful for us because everyday GRATEFUL is our mindset!

Start your day every day by writing down five things you are grateful for, and after two weeks, see how drastically things change. I am sure you will start to feel different and see things through a different lens. As the old saying goes, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.”

This is always a great week at TLC. Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday are all in this week, and it should be a historic sales week. We have opportunities to give thanks to our family, help make our sales this week a success, and be grateful for the customers worldwide that say yes to us each day even though they have so many options to buy products. What an honor it is that they choose us. We are grateful!

As you reflect on what you are grateful for and thankful for this week, remember that I am grateful for you. No matter how big or small you feel your contribution is here at TLC, I want you to know that YOU are the best part of TLC, and I am grateful to serve you and you allowing me to serve and represent you every day.

Happy Thanksgiving, be safe!

Thanks for reading!

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