“Passion is our fuel.”

Have you ever been so passionate about something to the point where all you want to do is talk about it or share it with the world? I mean, to the point where you find most times you can’t contain yourself?

That’s how I feel about TLC all the time. I know in my heart that the community, the products, and the positive energy are so beneficial for people. I want them to be a part of it so bad that sometimes I find myself unable to shut up.

On Monday, I met someone who is just as passionate as me about TLC. Her name is Elizabeth Correia, and she is from the Toronto area in Canada. I was getting ready to go home Monday night from TLCHQ, and I started making my rounds to say goodbye to everyone; and during that trip around the building, I saw a woman with a huge smile and a great spirit about her. I knew she was not a TLC employee, and I was trying to figure out who she was.

She was waving and looked so excited to see me, and I was intrigued as to why. As I approached, she said, “Do you remember me? My name is Elizabeth, and we met in Toronto early last year.” I honestly did not remember meeting her, and she immediately said, “It was at a small event, and you even called me up to the front of the room and talked about me.” She immediately pulled up a picture of us at that event, and I instantly remembered everything! “Elizabeth,” I said, “How are you?”

She went on to tell me she was doing great and was loving TLC and the products and loved being able to coach others to have success in health and wellness and life. Elizabeth also said she and her team were having fun, and she barely took a breath in between sentences as she continued to share how passionate she was about TLC. She was so enthusiastic when she talked about everything, and her energy was through the roof. It was pretty cool because I feel like I am like that too sometimes when I get excited.

When Elizabeth finally took a breath, I was able to ask her a question.  I said to her, “Wait a minute, the border with Canada is closed; how did you get here?” She answered, “The border is closed unless you fly; I needed products, and so did my customers, and when I found out I could get them right away by picking them up, I jumped on the next plane!” I must say I was blown away; I knew she was passionate, but this was next-level stuff.

We continued to talk for an hour or so, and if I did not have a team call to get to, we might still be talking right now! Elizabeth shared her story, and I shared how grateful I was for her belief and trust in TLC. It was a great conversation. I asked her to take a picture with me by the “passion is our fuel” artwork on the wall, and I posted it on my Instagram because her energy inspired me.

It was not just Elizabeth’s passion that I wanted to write about this week but rather how it impacted me. As I reflected on our conversation and her passion, I realized that it had affected me in a great way. Elizabeth’s passion had me questioning if I was as passionate as her about TLC. Of course, I knew I was, but still, it had me asking myself the question.

What that interaction also did for me is that it made me realize that you are passionate about something. You associate with or interact with people that are also passionate about the same thing. It can make your passion even greater. I walked away from that talk, saying to myself, “I gotta step up my passion game,” not because it’s a competition but rather because it a mission, and a significant mission needs and deserves great crusaders to join together for the cause.

We are on a crusade here at TLC, a crusade to change the world one person at a time with love and lots of passion. Elizabeth not only joined the movement, but her passion has me re-committing myself to it as well. That is what passion can do; it creates more passion and keeps the passion going!

At TLC, we believe at our core that passionate people can change the world; if your one of those, I challenge you to help us out; don’t be shy. Don’t worry; you won’t get tired; the passion we all have will continue to fuel us every day, so let’s go!

Thank you for reading, and have a great week!

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