“Grateful is our mindset.”

I believe gratitude is always the best attitude to have, and it can help you succeed in life. Attitudes, however, can change from day to day and week to week, but once you establish a mindset of gratitude, it remains more permanent.

Others can remind us to be grateful, and it can help us be grateful in that moment, but if you can develop a grateful MINDSET, you can stay grateful in your thoughts and actions more consistently. So how can we create this mindset? The answer is to change our thoughts every day to grateful ones and be consistent about it.

Today I want to share something that I have shared before but something huge on the power of starting your day with a grateful attitude. Every morning I do something simple, does not take long and helps me get off to a great start every day. It also allows me to stay on track or get back on track during the day. So, this simple thing I do every day is thinking of and write down five things that I am grateful for each day.

This daily ritual takes me a few minutes, but it also helps me think and reminds me of what I am grateful for. Sometimes the list is similar from day to day, and sometimes, current events inspire it. For example, recently, it was flag day in the U.S.A., and because of this, it reminded me to be grateful for the men and women serving in the armed forces, so they made my list.

In addition to thinking about things you are grateful for and reminding yourself of them, there is also an even better reason why this is so important. The most crucial reason you start your day by reminding yourself what you are grateful for is that it changes the way you see things the rest of the day.

The world you see after you make the list of 5 is different. You don’t see things that don’t matter, but instead, you see something that does. Suddenly you appreciate everything. The sun, the clouds, the rain, the flowers. They all seem to be just a little more noticeable and so much more meaningful when viewed with a grateful lens.

The person that cut you off in the car on the way to work suddenly reminds you that it’s great to be alive to be able to get cut off, or maybe it inspires a thought that at least I have a car to be cut off in instead of not having one at all. Suddenly the walk you take into work after you park your car may remind you that you are grateful because you have legs and can walk, so many do not. The coworkers you see when you arrive at work also remind you how grateful you are to serve alongside them.

All of these feelings of gratefulness and these reminders of what we should be grateful for are happening to me every day and very clear because of one reason, and that’s the five things I am thankful for list.

I start the day with grateful thoughts and a grateful heart, and that gets me in the right state of mind and prepares me for the day, but it also, after several months of doing it, has changed my overall mindset to be more grateful.

I still have bad hours but not bad days. I still have human emotions of frustration or disappointment, but they don’t last that long. I have developed a grateful mindset, and it helps keep everything in perspective for me, and I promise it can do the same for you.

I challenge you to consider doing this, please! Write the list of 5 every day. It can make a huge difference in your day, and when gratefulness becomes a mindset, it can change your life. As Evan Brengman always says, “It takes 21 days to create a habit and 90 days to create a lifestyle”.  Let’s start today!

Join me in making gratitude a lifestyle, and I promise you that your mood, health, and anxieties will all improve. In other words, your mind, body and spirit will be in total balance! So start today with your list of 5 and start telling people that make your list what you are doing by telling them they made your list. You might inspire someone else to do the same thing, and the next thing you know, you will have people encouraging others to be grateful worldwide. Wouldn’t that be a great world to live in?

I love you all and am grateful for all of you. I am also grateful for everything I have been through so far in my life because it led to knowing every one of you. Finally, I am also grateful that I can help make the world a little better each day with your help!

Let’s go, it’s time to make a list!

Thanks for reading, and have a great week!


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