“We don’t just do what’s easy, we do what’s right”

This week is the 4 year anniversary of this weekly message. Happy anniversary to me and to us! It’s hard to believe sometimes that 4 years ago I sat down to write my first message and 4 years and 208 messages later I am still sending them.

I never imagined back then that I would do this every week for four years without missing a week. I thought maybe I would skip a week here and there and eventually maybe only do it once a month but something about doing this every week has blessed me and occasionally others as well!

I will admit that there have been many weeks when it was not easy. There were weeks when I needed to do it after midnight because I was busy during the day. Some weeks I was on vacation or traveling for business. There were a few weeks when I was sick or recovering from surgery. There were also a few weeks where I wasn’t having the best day and had to figure out how to do my best to be positive and write this anyway.

Please do not misunderstand me or feel sorry for me! I am not looking for sympathy or trying to impress you. I am looking to make a point that might inspire you to one day do something similar.

Every single one of those weeks I just did it and I tried to put my heart and soul into it. You might be asking yourself right now why would he make it a point to do this no matter what? Is he getting paid to do it? Does he get brownie points from Jack Fallon? Does he have community service hours he needs to complete? The answer to those questions is definitely no! It is none of those reasons!

I did it every week because it was the right thing to do, that’s it! I realized within the first few weeks it was the right thing to do because of all of you! Every week one or two would reach out to me and let me know that a message impacted them in a positive way. Others mentioned they really looked forward to it every week. Still, others would mention that I seemed to deliver a message that was exactly what they needed on the day I sent it.

All of this was confirmation to me that it was the right thing to do. It also gave me the extra strength I needed to stay strong even when I felt like not doing it. I also found over the last 4 years that when I sat down for 30-60 minutes to write this message I found a sense of freedom. It has become a time when I feel free and happy and I look forward to it as well now.

I am not sure how long this keeps going, only God knows that but I know one thing for sure. I will keep doing it as long and as often as I can because it’s the right thing to do because you all told me so! One thing I learned from the last 208 messages that I wanted to share here is this:

We never know who but SOMEONE needs us to be our best today. We may never know who and we may never know why but I have learned that they do need us to show up for them. I hope I have inspired you to do the same in whatever way you can and I hope it comes from the heart and not something you do because you feel you have to.

TLC has taught me so much and has been such a blessing to me. What I have learned above all else is that doing the right thing is not always easy but it sure does make me and others feel good so I am gonna keep doing my part!

I also reflected today that a few of you actually read all 208 of my messages and I wanted to personally say thank you for that, I know that has not been easy for you either. I hope they have blessed you in some way and I hope I can continue to serve you in the coming years, I would be honored honestly.

Thanks for all your support and thank you for reading this week. May god continue to bless you and your family. I will be back next week with another message, until then keep being great!


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