By: Ashley Luckee Lead Copywriter at Total Life Changes

If you fell off track during winter, don’t worry! We are here to help you Spring Back into a healthier you! Don’t get discouraged; you have time to develop healthy habits anytime! TLC is here to help you stay on track and eat healthy, so get ready to Spring into health again.

Where to start?

You have to be ready to commit to a lifestyle change. Ask yourself: Am I truly prepared to change my habits and diet, and get back into exercise? Weight loss starts in your head, then your body. You also have to make sure that you have the time to make these changes, and if you don’t, then making time is the next step.

1. Set Attainable Goals

When you are setting goals, make sure to be specific and realistic. According to Mayo Clinic, it is sensible to expect to lose 1 or 2 lbs. in the first week if you are burning 500 to 1000 calories more than you are consuming daily. Making a list of what you want to accomplish may also be helpful; for example, you may want to lose 20 lbs. by the end of June, so aiming to lose 10 pounds per month from April to June is a realistic goal.

2. Make a Meal Plan

TLC makes it easy to plan out your meals. Our Resolution Meal Plan gives you the calorie breakdowns, food group suggestions, and a template to set you up for success. It is suggested in this plan that you have 200 calories for breakfast, two 100 calorie snacks, 400 calories for lunch, and 400 calories for dinner. This is a very reasonable 1,2000 calorie total. Also, being on a diet doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your favorite foods, just eat them in moderation and smaller quantities!

3. Exercise!

Exercise is essential if you want to give your weight loss a boost or just feel healthier. Even a brisk walk for about 30 minutes can burn up to 200 calories! Some other good exercise options include jogging, cycling, running, and swimming as well.

4. Try Our New Kit

We are releasing a new kit to help you spring back into health and wellness! The Spring Back Kit includes Nutraburst®, Resolution Drops & Meal Plan, Broad-Spectrum Hemp Instant Iaso® Tea, and FREE Original Iaso® Instant Tea. This combination of products will help you detox your system, replenish vital nutrients, and curb your appetite. Check out the life-changing products here!

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